


Colorado State University

PhD Computer Science / January 2021 - December 2025 (Expected)

CGPA: 4.00/4.00

Relevant Courses: Intro to Machine Learning, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Intro to Distributed Systems, Big Data, Software Product and Process Evaluation, AI/ML Product Management.

Lahore University of Management Sciences

B.S Computer Science / 2016 - 2020

CGPA: 3.28 / 4.00

Relevant Courses: Distributed Systems, Networks Security, Software Engineering, Programming Languages, Network Centric Computing, Advanced Programming, Algorithms, Data Structures.



Graduate Research Assistant / January 2022 - Present

  • Employed ML techniques to research potential AI aids to help human pilots maintain balance and prevent unrecoverable losses of control in aerospace conditions that lead to spatial disorientation.
  • Published 4 papers in domains of embodiment, machine translation, low-resource language modelling, and human computer interaction (COLING 2022, (Dis)embodiment ACL 2022, HCII 2023, ACL 2023).

Colorado State University

Graduate Teaching Assistant / January 2021 - Present

  • Courses: CS214 Intro to Software Development, CS314 Software Engineering & CS455 Intro to Distributed Systems.
  • Mentored students in a semester-long project involving test-driven development of a full-stack web application using a Scrum-based methodology.
  • Held office hours and recitations to assist students in understanding course content through programming assignments, and quizzes, and facilitated grading through creation of automated scripts.
  • Maintained GitHub Action workflows and web servers as part of DevOps for the Software Engineering course of 140+ students

Freelance Software Developer

Self-employed / June 2020 - December 2020

  • Developed full-stack mobile and web applications using react.js, node.js, and flutter to for client based on their requirements and use-cases.
  • Led the development of a cross-platform mobile application for a food-delivery service; implemented real-time deliver tracking and performed a complete UI overhaul for the platform. The app, Dryvar Foods is available on the Apple App store and Google Play Store and has more than 5,000+ downloads.

Medialogic Pakistan Pvt Ltd.

Data Scientist / August 2020 - November 2020

  • Provided insights on behavioral patterns in television viewership and extrapolated demographic labels via a probabilistic model onto a 60% larger unlabelled dataset from Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd. (PTCL), the national telecommunication company in Pakistan, for improved television viewership ratings.

Lahore University of Management Sciences

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant / January 2019 - May 2020

  • Courses - CS473 Networks Security, CS310 Algorithms, CS200 Intro to Programming.
  • Created labs, programming, and written assignments to increase the understanding of 3 courses and held regular office hours to assist students in understanding course content and assignments.
  • Implemented automated grading scripts for all (4) assignments for the Algorithms course to reduce checking time and maintain consistency.

Technical Skills


  • Python
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Typescript
  • Golang
  • C/C++


  • Flutter
  • Node.js
  • Next.js
  • React.js
  • Firebase
  • Wordpress
  • junit
  • jest


  • Git
  • GitHub Actions
  • Selenium
  • Postman
  • Code Climate
  • Zenhub
  • Scrum
  • VS Code

Data Modelling

  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • PyTorch
  • Pytorch-lightning
  • TensorFlow
  • Hugging Face
  • Scikit‑Learn
  • Gymnasium
  • Stable-baselines3
  • Seaborn
  • Matplotlib

Big Data

  • MapReduce
  • Apache Spark
  • Apache Storm
  • Hadoop
  • Horovod


Video Gaming, Football (soccer), Tennis, Swimming, Hiking, Formula 1


  • Graduation with merit from Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan
  • Winner of 23rd edition of SOFTEC 2019 Programming Competition, Pakistan
  • Runner Up of IEEE LUMS Coding Guru Programming Competition 2019, Pakistan

© 2022 Sheikh Mannan